Cafe to replace the now demolished bowls pavilion

Friends of Downhills Park are continuing to lobby Haringey Council for a cafe in the Park to be built on the site of the old bowls pavilion, shown below, demolished in early 2007. News of a Haringey Council bid to Big Lottery to fund the cafe is awaited. Photo David Macdonald

The old bowls pavilion, now demolished

 Green Flag Ceremony
'FODP Chair David Macdonald and committee members Gary Witham and Chris  Currie joined Haringey Council officials on 15 October 2008 to help raise the third Green Flag. FODP will soon be discussing with the Parks Department its ideas for  new improvements for the Park (eg Cafe/toilets,boundary wall railings, wildlife pond, more flowerbeds, tree/bulb planting, bird/bat boxes) to enhance its Green Flag status. Photo David Macdonald

photo of ceremony

Steps to Midnight Alley
This 2007 FODP Making a Difference project inserted timber steps in a muddy bank, giving new access route . It is already proving popular and is currently being improved with black painted handrails and secure gravel edging for the steps. Photo David Macdonald

View of new steps